Last night, the baby was coughing.
Today, he took mini naps only due to his cold and cough.
This afternoon, I took the baby with me to my daughter's ballet class.
I took baby out to the car where we could wait for daughter where he would be contained in his car seat.
I went with the baby to retrieve my daughter from class -- waited 10 minutes outside the studio door for the class to be over.
When the little girls exited the class, my daughter was not among them!
I asked the teacher where my daughter was -- she went to the bathroom!
We find her still there; she must have been in there for at least 10 minutes.
When we arrive home, I am angry because I'm still freaked out.
Therefore, a fight ensues with my spouse.
The children eat dinner.
The children head up to bed.
The cat has peed on my daughter's bed.
The baby is coughing again.
I put saline drops in his nose. He hates me.
The dog is whining to go out but the dog will not pee when taken out because it has been raining and the ground is wet.
I strip the bed and put on clean sheets.
I hear the dog clinking around in kitchen; the dog has finished baby's jar of food that was on the counter.
My spouse has stepped in to help get our children into bed.
I read three books.
Baby's asleep...
Daughter's quiet...
I go downstairs and hear baby crying.
I get baby back to sleep...
Daughter's asleep...
I go downstairs and
daughter comes downstairs wanting water.
I promise to bring some up.
I think... they are both asleep, the dog is calm, my spouse is in his home office, and the cat has emerged from the shadows.
The moral of this story is: WE ALL NEED AN ENTOURAGE.