Tuesday, September 21, 2010

out of the closet

No. I am actually not gay. But there's something I have realized about myself that is ... difficult to admit. I have been in denial for a long time. I...
I have begun to revisit the practice of Reiki. I know this may sound crazy, but I am no longer able to deny the need for energy work in my life. I turned my back on the entire non-physical dimension years ago and tried to live a "normal" life. "There are no such things as ghosts." I would state as I shoved another bagel with cream cheese down my throat. "I need to see it to believe it." I said to my friend as we chowed down on chips and dip. Late at night I would feel... nothingness. It would creep over me, through me, gnawing its way into my numbed out soul until I became so ravenous that I would wolf down bowls and bowls of gluten free cereal with soy milk. Nothing would fill the hunger.
I was starved. My life was emaciated. The magic appeared to be dead.
But the magic was just locked up in a dungeon. And when my loved ones started dropping like flies, well, I had no choice. I grabbed the old iron key that I'd been using as a paperweight, rushed to the stairs, and raced down, down, down to the cold, dank cell. With shaking hands, and trying not to think about what I was doing, I thrust the key into the lock and turned it.