Twas the night before Easter when all through the house,
not a creature was stirring,not even a mouse.
The locks were all locked on our doors for the night, in hopes that the perps would remain out of sight.
With me in my T shirt and Pa in his cap, we'd just settled down for our chips and dip snack.
Then out our front door there arose such a clatter, we sprang from our couch to see what was the matter.
When what to our wondering eyes should appear, but seven police officers in full riot gear!
"Put down the sword!" They commanded respect. Then they brandished their guns, for added effect.
Our neighbor's response was lost in the clatter, of our shutting door as we jumped back from matter.
Our curiosity quickened, we rushed to the kitchen,
peered out the window to catch the infraction.
Our once laid back neighbor insistant, unyeilding, refused to put down the sword he was wielding.
We knew in a moment, he was in it quite deep. As rubber bullets flew, he fell to the street.
Then soft the police to the crumpled man drew. Cuffed him, rebuffed him, told him what to do.
"To the squad car." they said as he moaned for relief. They brooked no dissent and pulled him to his feet.
But I heard them call out ere they withdrew from sight:
"Happy Easter to All, y'all have a better night!"