Beware the siren song of the self assured. They speak firmly and clearly, though not always with clarity. They absolutely know what to do and can help you know what to do too. It is so enticing to believe that such certainty is attainable. There is a "Them" and an "Us." And "we" know. God, it feels good to be so good. It feels exquisite to know what Moses meant when he wrote Genesis. (You didn't know that Moses wrote Genesis? Well he DID.)
These knowledgeable veterans of life (short or long) know the line in literature analysis where appropriate possible symbols and undercurrents still make sense, and where you've just gone too far. No, Lady Macbeth did not conspire with the three witches to effect the downfall of her spouse because that would make no sense. However, there is the tiniest possibility that Macbeth was in love with Duncan. Why else would he be so sickened by his murderous treachery? I'm just saying, there's something more going on there.
The only problem lies when you are confronted with the fact that it's not all that simple. All of it. Not so black and white. The twisted stitch on the sleeve of the perfectly knit sweater. The recurring thought that maybe all dogs do go to heaven. And before you know it... you have become "them." Kicked unceremoniously out of the "Us" club before you even got your laminated card and pin!
There are things that you can know for sure. But there are not many of them.
Consider yourself warned.
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