I think I have been forgotten... amid the haze of sleep deprivation and teething in a two bedroom home with over-tired children sharing a room. I just gave up tonight and let my daughter trail around behind me long after her bedtime. Yes, conscientious parents, I did put her to bed with teeth brushed and face washed and kisses and love and cuddles. In fact I put them both to bed. Until she woke up the teether who then wouldn't let her go to sleep because he was shrieking.
So we're downstairs and I'm just sitting on the couch and she's chatting about this and that and the baby is wailing. Yes, conscientious parents, I did give him Tylenol and a bottle and change his diaper and rock him gently. And all for naught.
Naught! I tell you.
Eventually she was wailing and he was shrieking and I called my husband who is "out" and let him listen for a minute or two. Which did help a little. Then I moved his portable crib into our bedroom so they wouldn't keep torturing each other. Thus the wails were separated by a couple of doors. And I put her to bed again. I was amazed to hear my mother's voice as I told my daughter that sometimes things just are the way they are and there isn't anything we can do about them. Then I went into our room and gave the baby another bottle. I'll thank the parent peanut gallery to shut up about how many ounces of formula a baby should have per day. He's still up and still howling, but not in a sad way. He's happy shrieking now.
And I am downstairs. Because now I am beyond sleep. And the Cadbury's Easter Creme Egg that I fished out of the back of the meat drawer in the fridge is kicking in. Ok... The ice cream with the questionabley fresh caramel sauce too.
And the dog has the runs. Yes. Those kind of runs.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry...
ReplyDeleteNow I understand what you meant afew days ago when you asked me if I'd read your blog yet.
Talk to you soon,
Love you always!
PS I love that wedding pic of you two!