Sunday, June 5, 2011

Happy Birthday.

I am afraid I behaved rather badly yesterday. You see, it was my birthday.
Let me preface this tale by informing you that there are two days in a year that I count on - I mean really count on - to be able to sleep in a little. Perhaps to have an entire cup of coffee at one sitting. To have someone else answer the relentless questions of my children. Those two days are Mother's Day and my birthday. I have mentioned this many times, out loud, when discussing what I would like for my birthday or what I would like to do on my birthday. "You know," I mused, "The thing I would really like is to be able to just sleep until I wake up, have a cup of coffee... do my morning readings in the morning..." Then I would take a deep breath, smile, and wait. Knowing, in the way that you know that the Tylenol you just took will eventually help your pounding tension headache, that a morning off was coming.
So the night before my birthday, when my husband had fallen asleep early, I sat up and watched some television. I admit I felt giddy with the knowledge that the following morning I would not be woken up by a whining beagle, a hungry 5 year old climbing on my shoulders, and a 2 year old with a number two diaper before 7am. It happens every morning, it happens all at once, and it happens early.

I crawled into bed. I was actually smiling. I didn't sleep until about 2am. But it didn't matter.

The next morning I awoke to a gentle kiss from my spouse. "Happy Birthday!" he said and showered my face with kisses. My daughter then wished me a happy birthday and gave me kisses too. The curtains and windows were open to reveal a beautiful fresh sunny morning. What a day! "Mmmmmm..." I stretched and smiled. "Thank you both so much. What time is it?"
"7 o'clock."
"It's 7 o'clock." he repeated. "I thought you'd want to get up early to enjoy all of your birthday day."

He then continued: "I have a couple of things to do before we leave, so I want you to get up and take a shower and then we'll be ready to go by the time I'm finished with my e-mails."
"But... I don't want to get up yet." I protested.
"Ok. You can sleep in until 7:30."

I am afraid I did not behave very well yesterday. In fact, I was distinctly ungracious.

So I have decided that today was my birthday. This morning I slept in until 10am. I had a full cup of coffee. I read a little, I enjoyed my family and our back patio, and I did no chores.
Happy Birthday.

1 comment:

  1. I think you were very wise to make the following day your birthday.
    Sometimes our expectations get in the way of real life as others see it.
    This can cause a major melt down or explosion.... it's all very messy.
    So to decide to have your birthday when you and those around you are all in sync is a perfect solution. Good for you. And you still have a party to go to. xo Love, Victoria
